Photos from our Meetings
May Celebration Slide Show
of photos from 2022-2024
You may download each of the PDF files below to see the picture slideshow shown at the meeting 
Photo Slide Show from the May Meeting: (First Year) Sept 2022-May 2023
LRGC May 2024 Slide Show 2022-2024- firs
Adobe Acrobat Document 32.8 MB
Photo Slide Show from the May Meeting: (Second Year) Sept 2023- May 2024
LRGC May 2024 Slide Show 2022-2024- seco
Adobe Acrobat Document 32.6 MB
May Meeting ~ Year-End Celebration
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Country Club of Little Rock
(You may click on any photo and it will enlarge.)


Centennial Coffee and Lecture
Featuring Charlotte Moss
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts
(You may click on any photo and it will enlarge.)
March Meeting
March 7, 2024
February Meeting
February 8, 2024
December Holiday Meeting
December 7, 2023

"Christmas at the Capital"
Club Commemorative Centennial Photograph
Club Commemorative Centennial Photograph

Centennial Celebration Cocktail Party 

November 9, 2023


Please enjoy this gallery of photos from our event!  Joel Schmidt, our photographer, also has provided a direct link to see the full collection with multiple versions of these pictures.  You can purchase pictures through his website. (You may click on any of the photos below and they will enlarge for better viewing.)


Click HERE to view the photos on Joel's site. 

 You will enter your own email address and this Password (including spaces): LRGC Centennial 11-9-23

October Meeting
Thursday, October 12, 2023
11:30 a.m.
Country Club of Little Rock
September Meeting
Thursday, September 7, 2023
11:30 a.m.
Country Club of Little Rock